Beer Making Workshops

Since 2013 we've been offering unique brewing experiences to beer enthusiasts here in London. Taking thousands through the process of turning malted barley, hops, water and yeast into glorious beer. Whether looking for a special gift or a shared experience with friends, we've an option just for you. 

  • Brew your own beer in groups of up to 3 or 4 people from £180
  • Join our beer making and tasting workshop for individuals £90
  • Gift an open dated voucher 
  • Our Stayhome Brewing Workshop means you can learn the joys of brewing from the comfort of your own home - £80

Below you'll find information on each of our experiences to help you make the right decision in terms of what works best for you.

Brew your own beer in groups of up to three or four people - during these sessions, your group decides upon the type of beer you'd like to brew (sorry no lagers) and with assistance from our workshop instructors help craft a recipe to attempt to hit all the right notes in terms of your desired characteristics. You'll weigh out your grains and mash in prior to an in-depth discussion on the process of brewing. As theory ends, you'll sparge (rinse) your grains before bringing your wort to the boil and adding hops. We'll explore a variety of hops and learn more about how they play an important role in beer. At the end of the boil, we'll cool your wort before it is transferred to a sanitized fermenter and yeast is pitched. 3-4 weeks later, you'll return to bottle your beer and take home. You'll target around 20 litres of beer which should equate to approximately 60 bottles of your beer ready to drink a week or two after bottling.

This is our most popular workshop format - who wouldn't want to brew their own beer with friends? Sessions run most weekends and can be easily booked via our booking software hosted on Fareharbor (those with 3rd party vouchers should see bottom of page for booking details).

Purchasing a gift? An open dated voucher is probably the best option. Vouchers are valid for an 18 month period from purchase. Upon purchase, you'll receive an automated email with your "voucher code", experience and a blank voucher to the email account specified at order. To order an open dated voucher - click here
Pricing - a group of up to three is available at a price of £180, a group of four is available for £205.  

Beer Making and Tasting Workshop for individuals - during these sessions, we decide upon a range of beer styles to brew. Attendees (maximum 15) will help execute recipes as we tweak existing recipes or experiment with new ingredients or styles. In terms of brewing, you'll assist in weighing grains, mashing, sparging, hop additions and pitching yeast. During the course of the brew day we'll sample a number of a beers as part of our exploration of beer styles. At the end of the day, you won't go away empty handed with a £25 credit to spend on beer or home brew from our onsite bottle shop

This is an ideal format for those wishing to continue their brewing journey after their brew day with us. While theory covered is the essentially identical to the workshops for groups of up to three or four people, experience has taught us that these sessions are more likely to be attended by enthusiasts armed with plenty of questions wishing to get deep into brewing theory making for some really interesting sessions. 

Availability - individual sessions run a minimum of once a month.

Purchasing a gift? An open dated voucher is probably the best option. Vouchers are valid for an 18 month period from purchase. Upon purchase, you'll receive an automated email with your "voucher code", experience and a blank voucher to the email account specified at order. To order an open dated voucher - click here 

Pricing - these sessions are priced at £90 per person

Our Stayhome Brewing Workshop is designed for those wishing to commence brewing from the comfort of their own home. You receive ingredients for your first brew along with a 5 L home brew starter kit. We'll mail you some helpful how to videos and you'll have access to a recording of a start to finish brewday with all the brewing theory you could need!

Order from our website here (those with 3rd party vouchers should see bottom of page for booking details) 

Some of our beer making experiences are sold via third party partners, if you've a third party voucher then please see the FAQ on this website (in footer menu) for details of how to book using your third party voucher.